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El Salvador 2020

Friends and family,  As many of you know, I’ve been working and learning as the Worship Arts resident at Eastview Christian Church since August of 2019. My residency and Master’s degree will be completed in July, but I am planning to live in Bloomington-Normal after the residency ends.  Recently, I was asked to join one of Eastview Global’s trips with some of the young adults from Eastview to go to El Salvador this October! The missions organization that we will be working with is called ENLACE. ENLACE (pronounced en-lah-say, the Spanish word for LINK) is a non-profit organization that equips local churches in El Salvador, Nepal and the U.S. to transform their poor communities. ENLACE trains and coaches church leaders to work with their communities to develop sustainable solutions to poverty through: food security projects (home gardens, chicken coops and tilapia farms), clean water and sanitation systems, medical care and health education, home building and repair, smal...

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