Colorado and the Caribbean: The Summer I Slept in 19 Different Beds // Part 1


Before the summer of 2017, I had never climbed a mountain, used an asthma enhaler, led a worship band for an entire summer, or experienced a group of 200 young campers jumping up one after one to share what God has done in their hearts this week. 

The first two weeks in Rocky Mountain National Park was spend meeting the other 140-something other staff members of Camp Timberline (where I was working) and out what type of culture I was in, which ended up being comical for me at times. I observed that I owned not near enough Patagonia, didn't drink enough coffee and water (the only two beverages available to me the entire summer), I had never hiked a mountain before, I don't run for fun, own a professional camera, GoPro and much more. I met college students like me from around the nation, from Baylor University in Texas, to Clemson University in South Carolina, Pepperdine University in Malibu, California and everywhere in between! These were some of the coolest people I have ever met, don't get me wrong. 

As far as exploring goes, I got to visit Denver twice (once, I got to see Bethel Music life, a second time, I searched for some interactive art and an art festival) Boulder a few times (shopped on the infamous Pearl Street, ate an amazing smoothie bowl, and got on a bus to Denver, barely). Most of my time was spent in Estes Park, Colorado. The most beautiful places I visited there on my time off were: Trail Ridge Road, Lily Lake, Gem Lake, Longs Peak (not the summit, just the base), Twin Sisters, and Estes Cone. Pictures to follow. 

Gem Lake Trail

Rooftop Restaurant in Estes Park

Longs Peak
Flying from St. Louis to Denver on May 22nd

My job at Camp Timberline officially was the Worship Coordinator, which meant I organized all the music, all the people that played the music, and then lead almost every night at "Round Up". Our worship band ended up being called "The Chain Breakers" since we sang the song "Chain Breaker" almost every night for the Kid weeks, then two or three times during Teen weeks. Our last time leading worship ever, we ended up playing "Chain Breaker" two times in a row at the end of the service because staff/kids kept yelling for it. I made up motions and everything, it was amazing. 

The two teen weeks, I ended up being a full time counselor as well, which was really amazing since I got to write chalk talks (devotions) for five days and actually sleep in a cabin with 12 girls. I always ended up braiding 12 heads of hair before the Hoedown, the dance at the end of the week. I tell you, these kids know how to swing dance! I had to learn from them more than a couple times! During each week, there was a theme for each week which varied from Christmas to Decades to the Zoo to Tailgating (on the 4th of July), so all the staff and kids would get dressed up for a night of fun based on the theme for that week. 

I also got to go along on a few of the hikes; for kids weeks, they started at 9am, and this was when I hiked Gem Lake. When teen weeks roll around, we would arise and start hiking at around 3:30am so we can get to the top by the time the sun rose. Words cannot even explain this experience, you just have to go and experience it for yourself. I ended up hiking Twin Sisters twice to watch the sun rise.

Decades Day: Decade 1 (Jesus)

Trail Ridge Road when I accidentally acted out a scene from the Sound of Music 

Sunrise Hike: Twin Sisters

View of Longs Peak from the Twin Sisters Hike

Interactive Street Art in Denver

Abby and I's favorite boys from the Oso Cabin

Our Staff Small Group: "Liz'n on a Prayer"

Friends/Co-workers at 9,400 feet 

Cheetah Girls!
As it turns out, there's no way I can fit my entire summer into one blog post. If you are thinking about applying to be a summer counselor at Camp Timberline (WHICH YOU SHOULD BE), I'll put the link below. I could go on for hours telling crazy stories from the Rocky Mountains, but I don't want to bore you. I plan on flying my kids out here for camp whenever I get older. and I'd love to get married here, that's how much I love this place. Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose. This summer's theme was freedom, and boy, freedom was achieved. 




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