Three Insane Weeks of: The Vine, Less than 24 hours in Albion, and a road trip Missouri with three hooligans

I'm not sure if anyone cares, but I feel bad about not writing for three weeks. I had planned on writing every weekend about my crazy week and all the weird things that happen to me on the daily. (This will come in play more when camp teams start up.) BUT as you will read, I had barely any time to write this up. It slices nicely in to three sections. My week days were spent attempting to complete homework and taking as many naps as humanly possible. Glad we got that out of the way.

The Weekend of the Vine

It feels so long ago, but that Friday evening I had the interesting of telling students at the vine how to get to their rooms at Ruth Hall. I had a laptop and wore a lanyard and felt very official. That feeling lasted about two hours. Unfortunately, I only got to attend 2/3 of one session of the vine, but it was really great. That night, I played a pick-up volleyball game with students, both from the vine and LCU. My night was complete with some ice cream and fellowship with a few new friends. 

Saturday, I woke up just in time for lunch (I'm ashamed). Then I got whisked away to blow up some balloons and yell at people until they played capture the flag. At supper, Jonathon, Brittany, and I made a list of fun things we wanted to do that evening. We did most of them (after being joined by Saxton) and ended the night by watching Twilight in the boys' lobby. What a classic (just kidding). 
 Sunday was spent leading worship at First Christian Church in Clinton, then lunch at El Mazaltan. Good stuff. 

Grant Bennington wanted me to tell you all that I went to visit him Sunday afternoon after he had a shoulder surgery. That was the first time I had ever driven in Bloomington-Normal. It was equally scarring and enlightening. I also got to hold his super adorable baby niece. I hadn't held a baby in forever. My advice for you is to go hold a baby. It's good for your soul.

A Quick Trip Down South

The next weekend, the LCU volleyball team played in a tournament at Lincoln Land Community College which I left after half of it to make the trip home for Dinner Theatre at my old high school. Some of the kids spell it Theatre instead of Theater to seem more cultured and cool. I am in this group. The Theme this year was "Forever 90's". I was extremely involved in Dinner Theatre when I was in high school. Probably too involved. We're talking band, choir, show choir, and choreography. So it was nice to sit back and not have to worry about quick changes and projecting and facial expressions. Of course, the food was super good.
Katie Hnetkovsky (aka the star of Dinner Theatre) and I at the Saturday performance.

This trip home was cut short by me leaving Sunday morning at 10:30 to go up to Jacksonville, IL to play music with Harvest Ministries for a church there. It was really fun to play music, do some games, and eat a lot of cake pops and handmade hamburgers. This took up my entire day. And I wonder why I'm so exhausted. I wouldn't trade the opportunities I have for the world though.

O'Fallon Missouri 

A weird thing happened to me on Friday. (This was this weekend by the way.) Some friends and I ate at CHI (one of my favorite places ever) and my fortune cookie said, "Getting away for the weekend will help clear your mind." Well guess what I did this weekend? If you said "Get away." to your computer or phone, you would be correct. I was at a nice grille in Springfield for lunch with my family after another volleyball tournament when Luke, MJ, and Rodney picked me up in a van and we headed to O'Fallon, Missouri for a Trivia Night. The guys and I played a few songs in between rounds of trivia, then we sat at different tables. My table was decorated like Candy Land (the girls even dressed up too), and they actually won gift cards for the best table decoration!
I was horrible at super hero, pokemon, and video game trivia. But I hopefully made up for it with my extensive knowledge of song lyrics and Disney Princess knowledge.

This morning, the guys and I teamed up with Connection Christian Church's worship leader, bassist, and drummer and led worship. CCC is currently working on a building project, so their service is held in a movie theater. This was such a cool experience. Everyone was so welcoming to us. Their faith in their big future plans was really an inspiration to me. 

After worship service, we drove over to a separate building that is used for other church activities and ate pizza with their youth group and chatted for a bit. After lunch, we started a super intense game of Ultimate Frisbee. I'm pretty sure my team won in a sudden-death round at the end. Of course, our team was called the Wildcats. Whenever we scored a point, I would yell "WHAT TEAM?!" and they would reply with, "WILDCATS". You know the rest. If you don't (sad people), go watch High School Musical. The yout group was so great; MJ, Luke, Rodney, and I fit right in with them. 
I hope we can come back and visit someday and see their new church building! As always, keep up with me through Instagram and Twitter. No pressure though. 




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