Midterm Week and Other Things that Made Me Cry


Just kidding. I only cried once, and it happened on Saturday, before this week from you-know-where began. 

It's probably important to give a little background info on how I found myself making a fool out of myself in front of a pharmacist at Walgreens. I already knew that this week was going to be hard. I had a list to prove it, so I had started working on my tasks on the weekend before.
 So on Saturday, I woke up around 11 and was feeling congested and my tonsils were sore. I tried to go to the clinic in Lincoln, but it was closed to I had to drive to Sherman, where I found out that I had a simple case of tonsillitis. This was all swell except that I was expected to sing seven or eight different times this week. 

Then, I get to Walgreens, where I am already annoyed at being sick and losing half of my day to work on my list. After a few phone calls with my mom, I do not have any proof of insurance with me, so I pay full price tearfully to the pharmacist, who looks at me with pity.

The Actual Week (Weak)

I rarely had any fun in my free time. Correction: I did not have free time. However, sometimes I did have fun doing what was required of me.

I wrote a song this week. Technically, we were given lyrics and were required to construct a melody and an accompaniment (either on piano or guitar). That was something I had never done before, and it turned out pretty well I thought. 

I studied really hard for a test on Worldviews, and I'm pretty sure it paid off. It definitely helped that I am always intrigued by learning about different worldviews. The exam was over Nihilism, Atheistic Existentialism, Postmodernism, Eastern Pantheistic Monism, and New Age Philosophy. Wow, that was a lot, now that I look back at it. I have just started reading "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, and she talks about Hinduism in her book, so it's really cool seeing what I studied in a different light. 

I sang and played the piano for Focus on Wednesday night! For those of you who aren't familiar with Focus, it's a student led worship service every other Wednesday night at Lincoln Christian University. Feel free to drop by if you're ever in Central Illinois. (shameless plug) The whole band was made up of freshmen worship majors and one preaching major (also a freshman). It was such a great time preparing and bonding with my classmates; it also turned out to be a great night of worship and learning about encouragement.
Sadie, Andrew, Rodney, Collin, Aly, MJ, and Cameron
My New Testament test was a different story. There was no study guide; except we knew we had to memorize a map of the ancient Greco-Roman Empire (that was the easiest part of the test). Not to mention that I am the only first year student in this class, and everyone knows so much more about the Bible than I do. Needless to say, I was shooting for a C, and I got a C plus. I was pleasantly surprised. And if you know anything about me, that's not normal. I once cried because I got an A minus in Pre-Calculus.

Light Kids Conference

It was kind of a relief to get picked up by the Harvest Van Friday night and get whisked away to Crossroads United Methodist Church in Washington, IL. However, if you have ever led a kids conference with 200 kids, you would know that it is not a relaxing time. Actually I'm pretty sure that it is common sense to guess that. 

Today (Saturday), I danced, sang, did skits, raced a plant, played the keys a little, ate pizza, and overall existed as a crazy person for six straight hours. I was pooped. I don't know how I made it through. I also don't know how I ever had that much energy only ten years ago. Actually, ten years kind of seems like a long time. 

Anyways. It is so rewarding to worship with 200 eager boys and girls. There are always people to high five, hug, or kids who ask you to sign their T shirt. I even gave out my number to a seven year old girl. I wonder if she'll ever call me. That'd be freaky (Tim Price lingo). 
Kids think that you're famous and you sing and travel around with the band as your job, and hey, I'm not going to tell them any different. Conferences are so chaotic and awesome, which is why one of my dream jobs is to work with CIY (Christ in Youth) ministry. 

If you want to learn more about Harvest Ministry (the organization that put on Light Kids Conference) see below:

This next week, I will be at a church camp at Lake Springfield on Restoration Week with my roommate, Tessa. I can't wait to tell you all about it!
As always, hit me up on my social media:




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